[Free Download.HBix] The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Political and Legal History 2-Volume Set (Oxford Encyclopedias of American History)
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The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Political and Legal History brings together, in one authoritative reference work, an unparalleled wealth of information about the laws, institutions, and actors that have governed America throughout its history. Embracing the interconnectedness of politics and law, The Encyclopedia addresses all aspects of both spheres, from presidents and Supreme Court justices to specifics of policy history, critical legislation, and party formation. Entries capture the unique nature of the nation's founding principles embodied in the Constitution, the expansive nature of American democracy, political conflict, and compromise, and the emergence of the modern welfare and regulatory state, all of which evince the tensions, contradictions, and possibilities manifest throughout America's history. Clearly demonstrating how US politics and law have evolved since the colonial era, The Encyclopedia encourages readers to anticipate further changes. With over 450 articles by expert scholars, each signed entry features numerous cross references and discussion of political and legal history as well as additional sources for further study. This two-volume A-to-Z compendium is a reference work of unparalleled depth and scope and will introduce a new generation of readers to the complexities of this dynamic field of study. It also features extensive cross-referencing, a topical outline, and a subject index. banking facts information pictures Encyclopedia.com ... Get information facts and pictures about banking at Encyclopedia.com. Make research projects and school reports about banking easy with credible articles from our ...
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